The company was incorporated in 2017 during the making of the company's first feature length film, Joanne Martin: A Life in Miniature (2019). It was founded by me, Stephanie Lewis, an Art/Art History Professor and College Administrator "by day". I had been an analog artist for my entire life and had dabbled in short films over the years but decided to expand my artistic repertoire into a/v digital media. The company has one completed project, is in the process of starting a podcast, and in the research phase of another documentary. Additionally, Mojo 2 Spare Productions has begun backing, promoting, co-producing, and providing technical/staffing support to other projects by other filmmakers, notably, an upcoming LGBTQ horror film produced by Brad Fortenberry and Director Eris, the co-director of Joanne Martin.... The pandemic has slowed the company's plans to move forward, but not thwarted it by any means. The first podcast episode will air this winter. Shooting of the horror film will begin this coming spring (currently the film is in the script/screenwriting stage and pre-production). The upcoming documentary will have some preliminary shoots and interviews for the screen this coming summer. That project is quite ambitious and may take some time given the complexity of the issue it covers. Frequent updates will be given as the process begins. Check back at this blog often for updates!

Stephanie Lewis, Proprietor and Manager of Mojo 2 Spare Productions, LLC